Instructions for Submitting a Data Deletion Request for IPPA Link

If you wish to request the deletion of your data from our app, please follow the steps below:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Email customer service at In your email provide the necessary information, including:

    • Confirm your understanding of data deletion consequences (e.g., loss of access to certain features or information)
    • Email address
    • Your full name
  2. Submit the Request:

  3. Confirmation:

    • You will also receive an email confirmation with the details of your request within 2 business days.

  4. Processing Time:

    • Please allow up to 3 business days for your request to be processed. We will notify you via email once your data has been successfully deleted.

Types of Data to Be Deleted by a Data Deletion Request

When a data deletion request is submitted, the following types of data related to your account will be deleted:

  1. Personal Information:

    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Profile picture
  2. Account Information:

    • Username
    • Password (hashed)
    • Account settings and preferences
    • Linked social media accounts
  3. Usage Data:

    • Activity logs (e.g., login/logout times, IP addresses)
    • Browsing history within the app
    • Interactions and in-app behavior data
    • Search history
  4. Content Data:

    • User-generated content (e.g., posts, comments, reviews, messages)
    • Uploaded media files (e.g., photos, videos, documents)
  5. Transactional Data:

    • Purchase history and receipts
    • Payment information (e.g., payment method details, billing address)
  6. Support Data:

    • Past support tickets and inquiries
    • Chat transcripts with customer support
  7. Marketing Data:

    • Email marketing preferences
    • Subscription to newsletters or promotions

Retention Periods for Different Data Types

Depending on legal, regulatory, and operational requirements, certain types of data may need to be retained for a specific period even after a data deletion request is made. Below are the typical retention periods:

  1. Legal and Compliance Data:

    • Data required to comply with legal obligations (e.g., tax, accounting, or law enforcement requests) may be retained for up to 7 years or as required by law.
  2. Transactional Data:

    • Data related to financial transactions (e.g., payment information, purchase history) may be retained for up to 3 to 5 years to comply with financial regulations.
  3. Support Data:

    • Support-related data, such as customer support interactions and dispute resolutions, may be retained for up to 1 year for quality assurance and record-keeping.
  4. Backup and Security Logs:

    • Backup copies of deleted data may be retained for up to 30-90 days to ensure data integrity and security. These backups will be securely deleted after the retention period ends.
  5. Anonymized Data:

    • Aggregated or anonymized data that cannot be linked back to a specific individual may be retained indefinitely for statistical analysis, research, or business insights.

Important Notes:

  • Retention Justification: All retention periods are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and are designed to protect both the company and the user.
  • Irreversible Action: Please note that data deletion is a permanent and irreversible action. Once your data is deleted, it cannot be recovered.
  • Contact Support: If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact our support team at